We are grateful to reconnect with wonderful friends from past decades who are helping enormously in ensuring that the sequel to Boy Crazy: The Secret Life of a 1950s Girl is accurate! We are especially thankful to be in touch with the kind families of deceased friends who inspired characters in the book. Love and smiles, Angela
If you live in Los Angeles, you can find Boy Crazy: The Secret Life of a 1950s Girl in the public library!!
Thank you, dear readers, for the following positive feedback:
Several recent readers have reported shedding tears after reading certain touching scenes and laughing about and enjoying the many light-hearted parts of Boy Crazy: The Secret Life of a 1950s Girl. More than one reader loved the authenticity of the girl’s voice and convincing realism of the book. Another mentioned that young readers and fans of romance novels will go for Boy Crazy: The Secret Life of a 1950s Girl. We are grateful that…..
Dear Readers, The working title of the initial sequel to Boy Crazy: The Secret Life of a 1950s Girl is Boy Crazy 1960-1962: The High School Diary. Like anything else, this title may change :>). Smiling in summer! Angela
Great news from a helpful reader:
If you live in NY State in Albany and Rensselaer Counties, you can borrow and read Boy Crazy: The Secret Life of a 1950s Girl from the Upper Hudson Valley public library system, which covers both counties!
Since the book is set in this locality, it should be of special interest to residents of the area.
We are grateful for today’s kind reader feedback:
“For me, the most endearing part of this book is the author’s characterizations of her family life, and her parents and other relatives. She makes them come alive…I feel like I know them and what her parent’s marriage and life together must have been like…I loved reading of her interactions with her father, mother and surrogate-mother–so realistically (and lovingly) portrayed.”
We look forward to signing and selling copies of Boy Crazy: The Secret Life of a 1950s Girl after presenting a 1950s Trivia Contest whose winner will receive a free softcover book. This event will occur at Savvy Seniors 8/10/16, at 11 AM to noon in Woodland Hills, CA, a suburb of Los Angeles. The contest questions and answers are from Angela’s 1950s experiences shared in the book. Examples are at this web site! Colleague Alan Stillson will present the musical part of the program…..